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Bicentennial of Lafayette’s Farewell Tour Visits Enfield, NC

February 28, 2025 @ 11:00 am2:00 pm

Lafayette will be welcomed in Enfield as he was 200 years ago.  He will arrive by horse-drawn carriage at 11:00 am on Friday, February 28 at the Cellar, 404 Sherrod Heights.  The Cellar is an 1820 home that Lafayette visited during his 1825 tour.

Children from the Halifax County school system will be waving flags as Lafayette approaches the Cellar.

A descendant, (Jimmy Branch) of Joseph Branch who welcomed Lafayette when he arrived 200 years ago will welcome Lafayette.  Interpreters will greet Lafayette in French and English.   Lafayette will say a few words from the balcony (porch).  The pianist will play the Marseilles and American anthem from the porch while a choral group will sing.  All the volunteers will be in period dress.

We then proceed inside the house to view the Lafayette history panels inside the house.  Famous harpist, Anita Burroughs Price will play historic timepieces on the harp in the anteroom. Children can be photographed with Lafayette and will receive hot cocoa and handmade cookies depicting the Lafayette logo.  The children will then proceed to their school buses for lunch provided by the board of education. Adults will be entertained with period food, wine, and nonalcoholic beverages (cider).  We will regale Lafayette with toasts.

Approximately 300+ school children will attend.  We worked with historic Halifax Restoration Association to create a lesson plan to go along with books that were delivered to schools earlier.

The event is open to the public and there is no cost.


February 28, 2025
11:00 am–2:00 pm
Event Category:


Cellar Historic Home
404 Sherrod Heights
Enfield, NC
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